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ERGOME risers for handlebar 28 mm (black)

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Stock: on order (2-6 weeks)

Uniquely resolved steering wheel adapter .

Allows smooth, free to determine the best position . < p> The steering position is determined after a radius of 40 or 50 mm.

< strong> With this solution, the driver is given the opportunity to determine the position for kaierownicą in a very wide range, niepotykanym in traditional jednopozycyjnych pedestals .

The adapter is made of a machined aluminum alloy.

< strong> Color: black. < span style = "text -decoration : underline ; " > adapter only fits into a steering wheel with a diameter of fixing 28 mm.

< span style = "color : # ff4500 ; " > < strong> NOTE : When using the adapter may need replacement brake and clutch cables for longer . < strong> < span style = "color : # ff4500 ; " > We offer assistance in the field of hydraulic hoses earn extra money for the required length .

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