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EVO1 VARIO rubber footrest pads Wunderlich

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Stock: on order 7-15 days + shipping
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NOTE : the overlays only fit Wunderlich VARIO EVO aluminum footrests.

The overlays do not fit the factory BMW steel footrests.

The footrests in the Vario EVO1 system are sturdy, durable and dirt-resistant. Even covered in dust, road grime and mud, they provide excellent grip and contact with the BMW when driving in various conditions.

For added comfort, we recommend the Vario EVO1 rubber footrest pads, which protect your shoes and shins from injury when they come into contact with metal footrests.

The overlays are designed for everyday use and have a contoured surface for a firm grip. Permanently mounted, they surround the original footrests, making any contact with the shin painless.

The overlays also dampen engine vibrations. In addition, when we are in the field, they can be easily removed. They are also weather, chemical and vibration resistant.

The overlays have a perfect fit thanks to the proper attachment. They are easy and quick to install. The material they are made of is wind-resistant and thermally stable, as well as flexible at very low temperatures.


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