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Inner bag for Trekker Cases TRK33N and TRK46N

Inner bag for Trekker Cases TRK33N and TRK46N
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Inner and extendable bag for Trekker Cases TRK33N and TRK46N

Inner bag for Trekker Cases TRK33N and TRK46N, expanded it can be used in the TRK46N case, unexpended the bag is adaptable to the TRK33N CASE. The frontal pocket allows the access to the bag when the case is opened only in the upper side, and the main compartment is equipped with a net bag with a zip closure to keep the content in vertical position.
The T484 is comfortably usable also as a bag itself, thanks to its sportive design and to the practical handles with padded grips that can be opened and to the extractable shoulder strap to help you to comfortably manually carry it manually.

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