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Motorcycle inner tube 21 `

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Stock: 2-7 days + shipping
Tube Heavy Duty 21 inches made ​​of a material with a thickness of 2.3 - 2.5 mm .
Dętka pasuje do opon sizes:
+ 3.00 - 21' photos + 80/100 - 21' < br> + 90/90 - 21' photos + 90/100 - 21'
production Vee rubber Tube is made of vulcanized rubber butylowego odpornego oxidation and deformation .
butyl inner tubes are durable, made ​​with high accuracy, się  characterized by high resistance to penetration as a result of friction.
valve embedded in butyl dętkach is not pulling away when you move the tube in the tire, zwłaczcza while driving at reduced pressure.
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