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carburettor rubber grommet R2V

carburettor rubber grommet R2V
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Stock: 2-7 days + shipping
BING carburetor intake spigot - rubber coupler (N1) connecting the carburetor to the head.

The coupler fits BMW motorcycles with all versions of the BING carburetor with an internal throat diameter of 26 mm and 32 mm.

Carburetor throat diameter is the name of the carburetor passage diameter visible when the throttle is lifted.

The throat diameter can be read from the carburetor body - the second number 26 or 32 - is the throat diameter.

Dimensions of the coupler :
- internal diameter 41 mm
- wall thickness 5.5 mm
- length 29 mm
  • Index
  • 13-72654
  • Manufacturer
  • BMW
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